At the Pan-American College Fund, we provide a range of services to help college and university students across the Americas pursue their academic goals.

Our main service is providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants, to students living in the Americas and the Caribbean who are willing to study outside their native country. If you live in South America, earn your degree in North America. If you live in North America, earn a dual-degree with a Carribean University. As long as you are willing to study for a minimum of one-year outside your home country, you can apply. We also provide academic and career counseling, helping students navigate the often-complex world of higher education. Our team of experts is available to answer any questions students may have and to provide them with the support they need to succeed. At the Pan-American College Fund, we are committed to making higher education accessible to everyone.

Our leadership team has extensive knowledge and experience traveling. We are dual-citizens and permenant residents of multiple countries. We understand what is needed to study outside your home country. We cover it all. Travel, housing, tuition, books, and supplies. If you have been accepted into a University, please check with their financial aid office or their office of foreign student affairs to see if they participate in our program. We are expanding to new universities every day.

Eventually, we will accept direct applications. For now, we are working directly with Universities located throughout the Americas.